Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another puppet friend of mine :)

This is a very cute character    that can be easily made by  drawing the pattern on the cloth and stitching
 on the lines .

For details regarding design please  visit

With the help of puppets teachers can gain and retain attention of young children very easily .Colourful hand puppets can be used to teach Languages ,Math ,Science or even some character building lessons .Soft toys or paper puppets made from card board or disposable plates and cups are also  fun to use in the class room .
It is all about imagination ,creativity and desire to create interest in  the lessons .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mothers Day

I produced this song when my mother was alive and she liked it a lot .Once I was invited as compere to a Mother’s Day Function arranged by KFC and when I recited a few verses from this song and expressed my feelings for her; everyone looked at her and there was a big round of applause …I still remember the beautiful smile that emerged on her pretty face. I feel She was an angel …guiding and protecting us …I miss her each moment of my life.
I am so grateful to Khalid Asghar Sahib (Former Station Director Radio Pakistan Lahore) who composed this song on my special request and discussed the idea with renowned poet Najeeb Ahmad who wrote such beautiful words.
Love and respect your parents and be there for them while you can.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Larhna Naheen Parhna Hei

I am sharing a script and narration I did for Pakistan Institute of Human Rights ...I wish together we should all do something and stop the terrorism faced by our country ...Why is this happening and what should be done? Lets do what ever little we can do to spread peace in the country

The World of Sea

I wrote and composed this song in 1998 while working as Regional Music Coordinator with The City School Network .I have always been fascinated by the world of sea .... and I am sure young children & people young at heart would also be fascinated to watch the video and observe characteristics of squids ,lobsters ,jellyfish ,crabs ,turtles and other sea creatures mentioned in the song .
The song can be used to further discuss the habits and habitats of the sea dwellers in an entertaining manner .

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Chunna Munna

This song "Chunna Munna" is from my first audio album for children "Aoo Jhoomein Gaaein"; the composition and music arrangement is by Chand Zia .The cassette was released by Shalimar Recording Company in 1990 and we received lots of wonderful reviews and feedback specially from  media .
The songs are popular in Pakistani schools here and abroad...most of them are part of the music curriculum and many schools have presented colourful tableaus on these songs .
This video was recorded by my nieces  in August 2009 ...we had a lot of fun during the recording :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pakistan Day Pledge

The poet of the east, Allama Iqbal, envisioned in 1930 a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent .A few years later this dream became the demand of the majority of the Muslims and finally on 23rd March 1940 a formal resolution for an independent country was passed in Lahore .This resolution is called as the Lahore Resolution (Qarardad-e-Lahore) commonly known as the Pakistan Resolution (Qarardad-e-Pakistan).
Every year the Pakistanis celebrate this day all over the world with great enthusiasm and special prayers are offered for solidarity and progress of the country .

This day reminds us of the struggles and sacrifices our forefathers made to make the dream of an independent country a reality. In the present circumstances, there is a need to spread the joy and pride of being a Pakistani . Let us not forget the fact that there may be problems in our system but Pakistan is OUR HOME and we need to take care of it no matter what.

May Allah bless Pakistan and all Pakistanis.

Seeme Laleka

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Sur Bahaar" A Message of Peace & Harmony

The song "Sur Bahaar" was specially produced for Interregional Music Competition of The City School Network in 2007.I am grateful to Mr.Khalid Asghar former Station Director Radio Pakistan Lahore for composing the song and arranging the music on my request .We recorded this song at Arooj Sahib's Studio in Lahore and a beautiful tableau was prepared and presented by The City School Girls Branch (Junior Gulberg)during the opening ceremony.
Talented students from all over Pakistan participated in this contest and presented songs in three categories ... pop ,semi classical and classical .
The song "Sur Bahaar" is the message of 'Peace and Harmony' as spring is the season that brings new hopes and colours to life .

Pakistan is a peace loving country facing many difficulties these days .In order to rise and shine all Pakistanis need to be united against all evils .Pakistan Zinda Baad.

Seeme Laleka

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dehko Bachoo Hathee Aya

A beautiful poem written for young children  by great poet Khawaja Dil Muhammad .There is a road in Lahore on his name .The song "Hathee" is from my album for children "Chiriya Ghar" (Music :Chand Zia ).This song can be used to discuss Elephants and their habitat and give awareness to children in an entertaining manner .
There is a need to write more and more informative and entertaining literature for children .
As teachers and parents lets make the right choices for our children and give them something meaningful and age appropriate to read ,listen and watch .There are houses where there is no check on what the young children are watching on TV and parents are unaware of the influence and affects this is causing on personalities of the children .TV,Internet and all modern technology is good but these should be seen and used under supervision of adults .

Monday, March 1, 2010

Chiriya Ki Shadi

This song was produced in 1998 at Folk Studio ,Mehmood Sahib was the recordist and we had a lovely time recording the song .Visiting the studio was a new experience for The City School Choir .This song is specially for the young children ,its a kind of story as well and it helps children to learn the names of different birds .The teachers and parents can further discuss the kinds of birds ,different species ,their habitat and other habits .
Such songs can be used to introduce new topics to children in an entertaining manner .It is an approach to gain their attention and then give other useful information as well .

This particular song can be used to present a tableau on the stage on Parents Day or annual function of the school .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Teaching through Music

I have worked with The City School network for about 14 years and as Regional Music Coordinator devloped the music curriculum for the network as well as a comprehensive music policy to be used in more than 150 schools in different cities of Pakistan .

During my teaching career , I was able to invlove students in educational discussions about diferent topics according to their age and class level and used the medium of music for integeration of diferent subjects .The most intersting thing was writing and composing new songs according to the lesson plans of English ,Maths and Science .Over the years I experienced that we can use music as a wonderful and effective teaching medium in the following areas:-
Language Development
Language is derived from the Latin word ‘Lingua’ meaning tongue and is a system of arbitrary vocal sounds or graphic symbols. Different languages have their own vocal sounds and symbols which carry specific meaning. Words or vocabulary is a set of definite sounds used in any language.
Through songs and rhymes, children can certainly increase their vocabulary of any language. Through music, even before they are able to understand the new words and concepts, they become familiar with different phonics, are pronouncing difficult words, their accent (Urdu or English) gets better, their conversation power increases and gradually through repetition of words and actions they also start understanding the meanings of the words. Repetition also develops their memory.

Language development is especially important before the age of five as articulation capacity of the tongue is complete at this age. Through music, that is songs and rhymes, children can develop maximum articulation capacity much more easily and rapidly.

Development of Aesthetic Sense /Appreciation of Poetry and Drama
Music is an excellent and effective means of developing the aesthetic sense of children. The lyrics of poems and songs introduce poetry and develop an appreciation of the art of expression through words.

The actions and movements that accompany songs and simple role play activities according to the characters created in the lyrics provide the basis for understanding life and an appreciation of drama in general

Children can easily learn counting if taught in a tune as it is actually the rhyme which helps. Through some rhymes we can also introduce numbers e.g. 5 little monkeys, 10 green bottles, 5 baby ducks etc. We can directly or indirectly give children the concept of addition, subtraction, multiplication, even time e.g.

1. Ten little chicks went to market (subtraction)

2. Ten men went to mow (Reverse counting)/counting in 5’s (multiplication)

3. This old man (1-10 counting)

4. Sally the camel (Reverse counting)

5. 8 fat sausages (subtraction)

6. Song of ten (addition)

7. The hands of the clock (time)

Character Building

In the early years a child has an absorbent and sensitive mind, experiences lots of things, receives lots of stimuli and curiosity is at its peak. This is the time when we can inculcate good moral values, the concept of help, sharing and friendship through poems and stories.
Some examples of poems focusing on character building in young children are:

1. In a cottage in a wood (concept of help)

2. I can see Alhamd-o- Lillah (sensorial, grace and courtesy)

3. Manners

4. Such he kaho (truthfulness)

General Knowledge

A wealth of general knowledge can be provided through songs, poems and musicals. At the junior level we can easily relate songs and poems with the monthly topics. There are songs about professions, food, science, nature, seasons, colours, transport etc.

In addition to the already available songs and rhymes, teachers can also create new rhymes on any topic they want and any target they wish to achieve. Some examples of poems for enhancing the general knowledge of young children are:

1. Do you know the continents? (Geography)

2. Do you know the Planets in the solar system? (Space and solar system)

For the older age group, basic concepts about many general topics can be provided through carefully selected songs and musicals. Music can develop socio-cultural awareness e.g. songs about Eid, Christmas and other occasions. Students can develop a fair understanding of social and political issues. Some examples are:

1. War and peace

2. Environment / Pollution

3. Human rights

4. Relationships

5. Feelings

6. Cultures around the world

Coordination between Mind & Body/Muscular Coordination
Young Children: According to Dr. Montessori a child after birth is the psychic embryo. He seems physically complete but emotionally and mentally he/she is not. There is no coordination between the mind and body at birth and it is achieved gradually as the child grows. Music is a perfect stimulus to get different parts of the body into motion. Even infants and toddlers have been seen to swing to the beat of music. Besides free movements, actions following specific commands and acting out different phrases in the rhymes as the children sing, helps in developing better coordination between the mind and the body. Songs with actions are liked by all age groups especially early years. Some examples of songs and rhymes most helpful in this area are:
1 Boogie Woogie

2 Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around

3 Point to the ceiling, point to the floor

4 If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands

All Children: Songs with actions are liked by all age groups though more so by the younger ones. Singing with actions not only improves muscular coordination it also helps in developing muscles, boosting confidence and promoting good health.

When songs are composed, order and sequence is always there. So indirectly they learn these qualities too. Through repetition of poems and songs the child’s tendency for order is fulfilled even further.

Older children, when they act out a song can be taught to feel the emotions and move the body in harmony. Creative dance is an effective means of achieving harmony and coordination within oneself and among group members. This is also a means of achieving a desired level of balance and control.

Other Benefits of Teaching through Music
When children are exposed to different songs they make their own choices and discuss their likes and dislikes. It is the beginning of being open minded and independent. We, as teachers should give importance to their choices.
Teachers are responsible for communicating knowledge as well as helping children overcome their problems and difficulties. Music is a means of exploring different characteristics of a child e.g. confidence, fears, preferences etc. Music can be used to help children with psychological problems by rebuilding self-esteem and confidence through opportunities for solo/group singing and appreciation of their efforts.

Just like structured play, music can be created, moulded and developed according to the learning goals for different age levels.

Please email for lyrics and tunes of the songs mentioned   ,I will be more than happy to guide in all possible manners .

Seeme Laleka

Chook Chhok Chhok !!! Train

I find trains very facinating ,perhaps it is the rhythm of trains or the feeling of moving ahead on the track towards the destination that adds to the excitement .

This song"Rail Garee" is From my first album "Aoo Jhoomein Gaain " released by Shalimar Recording Company in 1990 Music :Chand Zia Thsi song is a good example for teaching young students about different types of Transport ;land ,air and water .
Different pictures can be shown to students to enhance understanding .Difference between steam engine trains and electric trains should be explained as well .
Young students can role play as engine and bogies and enjoy moving like a train in the playground .

School Assembly : An Opportunity for Learning Enrichment

What is an assembly? An assembly is the gathering of all the individuals related to an institution at one place for the same cause. It is a reflection of the general impression & discipline of a school It The assembly can also be defined as a group of classes which meets at a specified ,pre –arranged time for the purpose of sharing the social ,emotional and cultural life of the school (Greenberg,1965)
Ten Important Functions /Educational values of the Assembly
1. To instill a sense of unity and a common school spirit for students. Assembly is a place where all members of the school are brought together and through expression of opinions and participation in the programme, learn the value of cooperative efforts and action .A sense of unity is thus developed throughout the whole student body.
2. To motivate expression and overcome self-consciousness.
3. To share information
4. To allow special visitors to speak
5. To create punctuality, regularity, sincerity & a sense of responsibilities among teachers & students
6. To gradually enhance the knowledge of students as well as teachers
7. To create a spirit of patriotism, unity, faith & discipline.
8. To reinforce positive behavioural patterns
9. To focus on social & emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings, motivation, empathy & social skills.
10. To allow the student body and staff to celebrate upcoming or recent events.
Objectives of the assembly in the context of Pakistan
• Patriotism
– Pride, national identity, unity, empathy, compassion, motivation.
• To create awareness about and to celebrate important National & cultural events
• To create awareness about current affairs
• To commemorate and rejoice being a Pakistani
Religious • To begin the day with the name of Allah
• To give awareness about the Quran and Sunnah.
• To motivate students and teachers towards becoming true Muslims.
• To create the spirit of humility, and submission, to the Almighty
• To motivate towards becoming the real vicegerents to the Almighty
Social and Cognitive • To provide avenues for curricular and co-curricular activities.
• To provide sense of unity and discipline
• To encourage students interaction
• To create a safe and creative learning environment by sharing of ideas.
• To provide positive incidental learning experiences
• To stimulate observation and thinking
Arrangement of School Assembly
The pattern and components may vary on a regular basis but some components must always be there. Separate assemblies should be organized according to age and class levels.e.g.
• Pre-Juniors /Early Childhood
• Primary /Junior section
• Secondary /Senior section
At times whole school assemblies must also be planned according to the events and situations.
• Call for Assembly with bell ringing, duration is usually 15 to 20 minutes but can be reduced to 10 in some cases.
• All classes must come for the assembly under the supervision of a class in charge in proper lines.
• Every person (Head Teacher, Support staff, teachers, and students) should be present at the Assembly.
• For the better arrangement of Assembly, assign duties to some teachers e.g. cleanliness, personal grooming (uniform haircut, nails etc)
The Routine Assembly in Pakistani Schools
• Recitation of The Holy Quran with English translation & explanation of few verses daily
• Naat-e- Rasool-e-Maqbool or Ahadees
• Flag hoisting ceremony with rendering of National Anthem
• Prayer of Allama Iqbal.(Lab pe Aati Hai) or school song /any patriotic song
• Morning presentation by classes according to roster
• Message/quotation/sentence/word of the day
• Back to the classes with class teachers.
Flag Hoisting & National Anthem

 A National Flag is a symbol of pride and Identification of a country.
• This is a sign of responsibility and encouragement towards the progress of our nation.
• The National flag is typically flown from daybreak to sunset. While being raised or lowered it must never touch the ground or be handled with indifference. The flag is raised in the morning, and lowered in the evening.
• During Flag hoisting everyone present should stand quietly with respect to face the flag .Students must be taught how to hold or fold the flag after the ceremonies. At all times, the flag should be flown at full staff, weather permitting.
• Unless you have all weather flag, designed for such purpose, flags should not be flown in rain or other conditions which might damage the flag. A flag that begins to show wear or becomes damaged should be removed and disposed off properly.
• The flag should not be flown at night unless it is on a properly illuminated pole.
Importance of the National Anthem
• To develop sense of patriotism in the students
• To develop a sense of respect for Pakistan’s flag and the manners to listen or render National Anthem.
• To develop a sense of pride to be a Pakistani.
• To give them awareness about Quaid’s message “Faith, Unity & Discipline”
Assembly Roster
• Prepare rosters according to academic terms or semesters and include …
• All classes and sections.
• All Subjects e.g. Urdu, Islamiyat, Library etc .must also be included in the roster.
• Assembly rosters should be circulated well in advance so that the teachers get ample time for planning and preparation
• It should be planned with a good rotation of students so that every child gets a turn
• Key to successful conduction of School Assembly
The importance of planning cannot be underestimated. Last minute thinking does not create meaningful assemblies.
• School Assembly should have educational value for students and must facilitate and enhance learning.
• Assemblies can be based on a yearly plan that incorporates monthly values and weekly themes. This plan is the subject of staff discussion and amendment because it is important that all staff feel comfortable with the proposed themes. This process gives a sense of ownership of both the process and content of the assemblies. (The Role of the School Assembly) Neil Hawkes)
Make the School Assembly engaging, enjoyable & effective by Creative Morning Presentations
• The content of the presentations must be both relevant and appropriate to the age and stage of the pupils. There should be Variety and creativity in the presentations to keep the audience involved.
• Involve the children in selecting themes and content for presentations .For this purpose, an idea or suggestion box can be place d in the school. All assemblies should be interesting, instructive and inspiring. The extent to which these three characteristics are incorporated in the programme largely determines their success
• Best speakers should be engaged for the assembly
• The principal and teachers are also expected to give occasional talk
• Presentations should be inspiring and interesting
• National issues ,problems and their measures can be presented by the speaker
• Activities of Parent –Teacher associations ,Child welfare club and Alumni can be reported in the assembly
• Assembly can be used as a platform to demonstrate class and club work
• Keep in mind the national, religious and social context of the school while planning the Assembly Programme.
• Assembly should be creative based on novel ideas .All ideas should be discussed with the Head Teacher before presentation.
Assemblies can be informative, fun, educational, motivational or a combination of all elements. Some Activities for Assemblies:
Role-play ,Quiz,Skits,Debate ,Project display and presentation ,Allocution ,Aerobics ,Puppet Show / Story Session ,News /current affairs ,Event Celebration, Honour Assembly, Guest Speakers(professionals from different fields ,.community members ,parents )
Role and responsibilities of a Head Teacher to run a successful assembly programme
Planning, guidance, support, evaluation, monitoring arrangement of resources e.g. equipment, guest speakers, assuring quality of presentations.
• School assemblies should revolve around events or achievements in different areas of education.
• Regardless of the purpose, school assemblies should provide all school students a sense of inclusion.
Objectives of the Daily or Weekly address by the Head Teacher
• To provide leadership and direction to staff and school
• To raise standards by pointing out the strengths and shortcomings
• To shape up the school community according to the desired parameters
• To share school improvement plans with students
• To share school vision and mission
• To review performance of students
• To motivate and guide
• To provide information
• To give messages on important cultural or national occasions
Cautions for Principals /Head Teachers
• Avoid unpleasant things in the Assembly
• Do not try to find the fault openly or to criticize student body
• Avoid making unnecessary announcements
• Never address without any reason
• Avoid unplanned address
Role and responsibilities of teachers towards effective school assembly
• Preparation and research, discussion with students, discipline, dress code, body language, facial expressions freedom of expression, giving ownership to students
Broadcasting Unit/Assembly Committee
Initially Head teacher or any other senior teacher can conduct the assembly but ideally students should be trained to handle the assembly without any on spot help from the teachers. A broadcasting unit or assembly committee must be formed under leadership of the Head teacher .An enthusiastic teacher able to check and guide students regarding appropriate vocabulary, phrases, pronunciation, grammar etc should be in charge of the committee.
The broadcasting committee should select and polish students to act as comperes and hosts of the assembly .Rehearsals may be conducted during break or afterschool .New students must be given chance on regular basis to be a part of the committee
Islamiyat and Urdu teachers can help for selection of Holy Verses according to occasion or event for recitation and translation. Sports /Physical Education teacher along with other subject teachers can help in maintaining the school discipline and checking of uniform and cleanliness (a morning duty roster can be prepared)

Seeme Laleka

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'd like to build this world a home and furnish it with love

To promote peace and equality in our society we need to educate our students about human rights and how to practice them in our daily lives .
Many of us have servents in our homes but it is a shame to see the way they are humilated and treated every day .When a little child misbehaves with an elderly person helping in the house chores one stops him as it is an ok thing it ?

Let us start from our own houses and try to buld a society where there is dignity of labour and people are respected not because of how much wealthy they are but who they really are .
There is a need to change attitudes ... we need to learn to respect view points of others and be a friendly civilized society

Saturday, February 13, 2010