Friday, October 2, 2009

Peace Song

Why some people think that the other are inferior just because of their skin colour ,race or religeous views .The world belongs to everyone and every one has equal rights to live free and independent .The only way someone is better or best at something is because of the personality and talents one has and how the talents are utilized .Being best at something does not mean that the others are not good or should be looked down upon .We need to live and let others live in peace .

1 comment:

  1. PEACE: This word is on the lips of each person of all the nations in the world. Every one is in search of peace in real sense.The big countries are busy in finding peace with their own desire & view-point, perhaps with the benefit of their own. But common people are being deprived of with many ways.How the real peace, we will have? A question mark is there?Peace has been destroyed with different views and philosophy. Here i appreciate, the urge of Seeme laleka and a message for the world, to fetch this, the most required virtue.If we listen text of the song carefully, it is a vivid message to step forward for the same. Let's join hands to her & apply our efforts to have peace in it's real shape. Thanks. Khalid Asghar.(05 Oct 2009).
