I have worked with The City School network for about 14 years and as Regional Music Coordinator devloped the music curriculum for the network as well as a comprehensive music policy to be used in more than 150 schools in different cities of Pakistan .
During my teaching career , I was able to invlove students in educational discussions about diferent topics according to their age and class level and used the medium of music for integeration of diferent subjects .The most intersting thing was writing and composing new songs according to the lesson plans of English ,Maths and Science .Over the years I experienced that we can use music as a wonderful and effective teaching medium in the following areas:-
Language Development
Language is derived from the Latin word ‘Lingua’ meaning tongue and is a system of arbitrary vocal sounds or graphic symbols. Different languages have their own vocal sounds and symbols which carry specific meaning. Words or vocabulary is a set of definite sounds used in any language.
Through songs and rhymes, children can certainly increase their vocabulary of any language. Through music, even before they are able to understand the new words and concepts, they become familiar with different phonics, are pronouncing difficult words, their accent (Urdu or English) gets better, their conversation power increases and gradually through repetition of words and actions they also start understanding the meanings of the words. Repetition also develops their memory.
Language development is especially important before the age of five as articulation capacity of the tongue is complete at this age. Through music, that is songs and rhymes, children can develop maximum articulation capacity much more easily and rapidly.
Development of Aesthetic Sense /Appreciation of Poetry and Drama
Music is an excellent and effective means of developing the aesthetic sense of children. The lyrics of poems and songs introduce poetry and develop an appreciation of the art of expression through words.
The actions and movements that accompany songs and simple role play activities according to the characters created in the lyrics provide the basis for understanding life and an appreciation of drama in general
Children can easily learn counting if taught in a tune as it is actually the rhyme which helps. Through some rhymes we can also introduce numbers e.g. 5 little monkeys, 10 green bottles, 5 baby ducks etc. We can directly or indirectly give children the concept of addition, subtraction, multiplication, even time e.g.
1. Ten little chicks went to market (subtraction)
2. Ten men went to mow (Reverse counting)/counting in 5’s (multiplication)
3. This old man (1-10 counting)
4. Sally the camel (Reverse counting)
5. 8 fat sausages (subtraction)
6. Song of ten (addition)
7. The hands of the clock (time)
Character Building
In the early years a child has an absorbent and sensitive mind, experiences lots of things, receives lots of stimuli and curiosity is at its peak. This is the time when we can inculcate good moral values, the concept of help, sharing and friendship through poems and stories.
Some examples of poems focusing on character building in young children are:
2. I can see Alhamd-o- Lillah (sensorial, grace and courtesy)
3. Manners
4. Such he kaho (truthfulness)
General Knowledge
A wealth of general knowledge can be provided through songs, poems and musicals. At the junior level we can easily relate songs and poems with the monthly topics. There are songs about professions, food, science, nature, seasons, colours, transport etc.
In addition to the already available songs and rhymes, teachers can also create new rhymes on any topic they want and any target they wish to achieve. Some examples of poems for enhancing the general knowledge of young children are:
1. Do you know the continents? (Geography)
2. Do you know the Planets in the solar system? (Space and solar system)
For the older age group, basic concepts about many general topics can be provided through carefully selected songs and musicals. Music can develop socio-cultural awareness e.g. songs about Eid, Christmas and other occasions. Students can develop a fair understanding of social and political issues. Some examples are:
1. War and peace
2. Environment / Pollution
3. Human rights
4. Relationships
5. Feelings
6. Cultures around the world
Coordination between Mind & Body/Muscular Coordination
Young Children: According to Dr. Montessori a child after birth is the psychic embryo. He seems physically complete but emotionally and mentally he/she is not. There is no coordination between the mind and body at birth and it is achieved gradually as the child grows. Music is a perfect stimulus to get different parts of the body into motion. Even infants and toddlers have been seen to swing to the beat of music. Besides free movements, actions following specific commands and acting out different phrases in the rhymes as the children sing, helps in developing better coordination between the mind and the body. Songs with actions are liked by all age groups especially early years. Some examples of songs and rhymes most helpful in this area are:
1 Boogie Woogie
2 Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around
3 Point to the ceiling, point to the floor
4 If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands
All Children: Songs with actions are liked by all age groups though more so by the younger ones. Singing with actions not only improves muscular coordination it also helps in developing muscles, boosting confidence and promoting good health.
When songs are composed, order and sequence is always there. So indirectly they learn these qualities too. Through repetition of poems and songs the child’s tendency for order is fulfilled even further.
Older children, when they act out a song can be taught to feel the emotions and move the body in harmony. Creative dance is an effective means of achieving harmony and coordination within oneself and among group members. This is also a means of achieving a desired level of balance and control.
Other Benefits of Teaching through Music
When children are exposed to different songs they make their own choices and discuss their likes and dislikes. It is the beginning of being open minded and independent. We, as teachers should give importance to their choices.
Teachers are responsible for communicating knowledge as well as helping children overcome their problems and difficulties. Music is a means of exploring different characteristics of a child e.g. confidence, fears, preferences etc. Music can be used to help children with psychological problems by rebuilding self-esteem and confidence through opportunities for solo/group singing and appreciation of their efforts.
Just like structured play, music can be created, moulded and developed according to the learning goals for different age levels.
Please email for lyrics and tunes of the songs mentioned ,I will be more than happy to guide in all possible manners .
Seeme Laleka
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